Experiential Learning

@ RATHINAM Business School

At RATHINAM SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, we believe in making our graduates Industry ready upon graduation. Towards that, we ensure that students develop knowledge, skills, abilities and values from direct experiences outside the traditional academic setting encompassing a variety of activities including guest lectures, field trips, summer internships, practical training and other creative and professional engagements. Students start participating in these activities right from the first semester and continue to stay engaged throughout their course of study. This interaction provides interdisciplinary learning, career development, leadership and other professional and intellectual skills. Greatly enhancing their employability, this program grooms them into Industry Ready graduates who can thrive in today’s dynamic and highly demanding business environment.

All students will have the option to intern in allied organizations even before they start their 2-year course of study at RATHINAM SCHOOL OF BUSINESS . The duration of this internship and the one at the end of the first year will be one month. In the 4th semester, as required by the ANNA University MBA curriculum, they will have the opportunity to work as an intern for 6 months. The following is a timeline that students will go through at RATHINAM SCHOOL OF BUSINESS.

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